Mar 30, 2023
Shopify App Developer's overview, skills and responsibilties

E-commerce is dominating the business and retail industry and growing exponentially. Businesses are opting for the Shopify platform to manage and create online stores. Shopify is popular as it offers many tools and features to allow businesses to sell their services and products online. Sometimes businesses need more functionalities that are not readily available and can also provide an edge to the business. This is where Shopify app developers are needed. Shopify app developers are experts in developing apps and integration to enhance the Shopify store functionality. 

Here in this article, we will explore the scope of a Shopify app developer and guide employers in hiring a Shopify app developer with great expertise.

Understanding Shopify And Why We Need it.

Shopify provides a platform that enables a person to build their online e-commerce store. If you need an amazing website to create a strong online presence, you need someone with adequate knowledge to work with Shopify. 

Shopify allows you to host your business and grow it by customizing the website based on the business needs and requirements. Shopify has an ample number of design templates that are easy to use. It has successfully provided an online platform to carry out secure transactions and market the products. Even if you are an entrepreneur, don’t worry; Shopify has your back!

Normally budding businesses are worried about hackers’ attacks or website crashes, but Shopify is renowned for its security and reliability. Online classes to handcrafted artifacts, Shopify is the best place to market your product. 

In Shopify, you will be presented with Analytics And Report feature, which will give you the ability to analyze customer behavior and how to take the next business step. You can grow your business hassle-free since it gives you the privilege to opt for third-party service integrations.

Essential Attributes Of Shopify

Essential Attributes Of Shopify
  • App Integration: To enhance workflow, marketing, and sales of the user, Shopify provides the ability to integrate third-party services. One can enhance the service by using the plugins.

  • Reliability And Security: Shopify ensures the host website has PCI compliance, SSL, Secure Payment Gateway, and automatic backup. It enables the user to make secure payments and ensures the safety of the user’s data. Shopify offers various payment gateway enabling users to use PayPal, credit card, or other payments.

  • Easy to use: Even someone with zero coding background can maneuver Shopify. It has user-friendly designs. 

  • Reporting And Analytics: Shopify provides several marketing tools like analytics, reporting functionality, and email marketing. One can analyze the website’s traffic and user behavior, track sales, and change business plans to ensure a high ROI (Return on Investment). 

  • 24/7 Customer Support: Shopify offers exceptional support for 24/7 customer support. One can reach customer support via email, phone, or web chat. Multiple documentation and community forums also come in handy. 

  • Shopify Templates: Templates and themes of Shopify are well-designed and visually stunning. It is easy to customize the website and make the UI friendly using features like live search, drop-down menu, product filters, etc.
    Flexibility in design allows making the storefront to look professional and unique. The inventory management system of Shopify is robust. It will enable the user to manage and track the stock’s level, send an alert when the stock is low, and automatically process reorders. 

  • Mobile responsive: Shopify allows users to sell products and manage the store using mobiles.

Shopify has everything that is needed to establish a flourishing e-commerce business. Starting from secure payments, easy-to-use design, and marketing tools to inventory management, you name it, Shopify has everything.

Shopify App Developer- Who are they?

Shopify app developers are professionals who specialize in web development using the Shopify platform. They have all the required knowledge of how this platform works, and by integrating their knowledge, they create apps having payment gateways, navigation, checkout operation, automated tasks, and inventory management.

Shopify developers are technically sound and proficient in web design, front-end development, and user interface. They use programming languages like Javascript and Ruby on Rails and can fluently work with Shopify API and framework. Their unique insight and development expertise enables them to create amazing Shopify apps loaded with great functionalities. Shopify developers work as in-house developers or freelancers. 

Shopify allows business owners to manage and create eCommerce stores. Shopify allows third-party integration, which broadens the scope of the store. Shopify app developers build custom applications for a business owner or merchant and inject functionality that can enhance their business online.

Why the IT world needs Shopify App Developers

There are numerous things that a business owner has to think of after creating an e-commerce website/app on Shopify, like optimizing the conversion rate, as it will help in converting the content into sales. 

Other essential tasks include managing the inventory system, sourcing the products, and making marketing decisions. These can be hectic if you have not hired a Shopify app developer.

Here’s why the IT world needs a Shopify App Developer

  • Expertise: Shopify app developer has the expertise to create an app with a competitive edge that can help create an impactful online presence. They have all the required knowledge regarding design, user experience, and web development to ensure the app will work flawlessly. 

  • Adding functionalities: Shopify app developers provide tailored business solutions by adding new extensions to add more functionalities to the app. They will build a little SaaS inside the Shopify platform.
    There are several interesting functionalities like a product review, programs for customer loyalty, and social media integration which, when present in an app, can hugely enhance user experience.
    Shopify app developers will customize the website depending on business requirements and changes to increase sales. With minimal supervision, you will be able to grow your business and manage it. Shopify app developers are needed to maintain the site in the long run.

  • Increase online shopping demand: After the pandemic, one can see how the online marketplace has started blooming, which makes e-commerce a great place for businesses of any size. This is the primary reason why the need for Shopify app developers has increased. They customize the application and integrate functionality to help businesses reach their full potential.

Roles of Shopify App Developers

The task of a Shopify developer is to develop, deploy and design customized applications that can be seamlessly integrated with Shopify. This is the key reason a Shopify app developer must understand web development technologies like javascript, CSS, and HTML, along with Shopify API, and expertise in programming languages like PHP, Python, or Ruby.

Here are the roles of a Shopify App Developer:

  • Staying updated with the trends: A Shopify app developer needs to stay updated with the new updates or trends on the Shopify platform to provide top-notch services to the client.

  • Integration of App: The Shopify app must be integrated with the Shopify platform to see if it works seamlessly. The app developer must understand the Shopify API well and be well-versed in connecting the application with the Shopify platform. 

  • Understanding the requirements: A Shopify app developer will understand the client’s requirements and work with the team to build an app that can fulfill the requirements.

  • Providing support: Once the app is released, the developer is responsible for providing ongoing maintenance and support to ensure everything works correctly. 

  • Developing and designing apps: The Shopify app developer’s task is to create wireframes, build the app’s features and develop the user interface.

  • Customising App: A Shopify app developer has to modify the Shopify apps to cater to business needs.

  • Debugging and Testing: The Shopify app develop debugs and tests the code before releasing it online.

Shopify App Developer’s Responsibilities

The responsibility of a Shopify developer in a team depends on numerous factors and the niche. Most Shopify app developers’ task includes working with interactive front-end techniques to create a rich solution that can cater to the e-commerce requirement of the client. Here are some key responsibilities of a Shopify app developer.

  • A Shopify app developer develops a competent and interactive Shopify online store that has the potential to drive revenue and sales. 

  • A Shopify app developer generates custom themes for Shopify and modifies pre-existing templates. Their responsibility is to customize it depending on the brand benchmarks. 

  • A Shopify app developer is excepted to have specialization in anything and everything surrounding the e-commerce platform. 

  • A developer’s responsibility is to collaborate with the UI Design and UX teams to build innovative, robust, and exclusive end-user experience.

  • Shopify web developers must ensure they can create a seamless connection with the platform APIs, marketing tools, and Shopify app to streamline the needed functionalities and provide ultimate efficiency. 

  • Shopify app developer’s responsibility includes frequent debugging and testing for peak output. Depending on their discoveries, they will provide coordination and technical support to safeguard the business from failing.

  • A Shopify web developer has to optimize the website to increase conversion rates.

Shopify App Developer’s Responsibilities

Technical Skills of Shopify App Developers

Technical Skills of Shopify App Developers

According to market statistics, it is said that Shopify app developers are in high demand. Here are some technical skills a Shopify app developer must possess to make your business project a success.

  • Liquid: Shopify uses a templating language like Liquid that helps to create dynamic pages. For any Shopify developer, it is critical to understand Liquid syntax and be comfortable working with it. 

  • Javascript/CSS/HTML: To create and customize apps and themes in Shopify, you must make Javascript/CSS/HTML your best friend. 

  • Shopify API: As a Shopify app developer, one must be familiar with the Shopify API. It will help in creating custom integration of third-party platforms with Shopify. 

  • App Development: In the development process of Shopify, you have to create a customized application that will run on the Shopify platform. A Shopify app developer should have relevant experience in building applications and working with the app store.

  • Database Management: When dealing with the Shopify app, you have to be fluent in working with database management which will allow you to retrieve or store information.

  • Version Control: To manage the code change or collaborate with other Shopify developers, you should be able to use GIT, the best version control system. 

  • Responsive Design: Nowadays, people are more comfortable using mobile phones for making purchases. So your Shopify app must be responsive and work seamlessly with all devices. A good Shopify app developer can create responsive designs to enhance user experience. 

  • Performance Optimization: For SEO and user experience, the speed of a website is crucial. A Shopify app developer should have experience optimizing the app’s performance along with lazy loading, caching, and image optimization. 

  • Debugging and Testing: A Shopify app developer should be able to debug and test the code to ensure there are no bugs and it is working as expected.

Apart from the above-mentioned tech skills, a Shopify app developer should have good knowledge of Google Analytics to work with CRO or Conversion Rate Optimization. The knowledge of the Shopify admin system is non-negotiable, along with expertise in programming in diverse languages and full stack.

While building a Shopify app, RoR or Ruby on Rails framework is convenient. Anything that utilizes JSON REST API and Auth can help start Shopify app development. For testing, specialization in Google Content Experiments is desirable. A Shopify app developer with relevant experience working with an e-commerce platform like WooCommmerce, BigCommerce, or Magento can bring excellence to the table.

Soft skills of Shopify App Developers

The perfect combination of technical and soft skills helps establish a good Shopify app developer. Here are some soft skills that a Shopify app developer must have:

  • Communication: Be it any role, the communication power of a person plays a vital role. As a Shopify app developer, one must have good communication skills. They must interact with team members and clients to explain the technical and non-technical parts to them. There should not be any communication barrier between a Shopify app developer and the client. 

  • Problem-solving ability: The task of Shopify app developers is not just limited to the technical part but also to analyze the problem and provide effective solutions. Shopify app developers must be able to troubleshoot technical issues and improve the app functionality. To do that, their analytical skills and problem-solving ability is a must-haves.

  • Organization skills and time management: A Shopify app developer is expected to be able to manage and prioritize tasks to meet client deadlines. Organized Shopify app developers can work on multiple projects and track tasks seamlessly.

  • Ability to learn and adaptability: The field of Shopify app development is evolving continuously; hence a developer needs to have the willingness to learn new techniques and technology. Any developer is expected to be able to adapt to project requirements and changes and welcome constructive feedback.

  • Teamwork skills and collaboration: Shopify app developers have to work in a team with project managers, designers, and other developers. So a Shopify app developer must have collaboration skills and should be able to contribute effectively to a team.
  • Attention to detail: A developer must be able to identify and fix bugs in the app. They should write code and document it properly.

Top certification to become a Shopify App Developer

If you plan on becoming a skilled Shopify app developer, there are various certifications that you can avail of apart from learning the basic frontend and backend skills. Some certificates help you build the app in the Shopify platform. There are multiple e-learning platforms online, like skillshare, udemy, etc.

Even Shopify provides certification where the course is designed to enhance your knowledge about the Shopify platform, app development, API, etc. A Shopify Partners Certification helps you access many tools, resources, and support in building the Shopify app. Front-end and Backend certification will also give you an edge if you want to become a high-paying Shopify app developer.

Salary of a Shopify App Developer

The salary of a Shopify app developer will depend on several parameters like skill level, experience, organization/company, and demography. Depending on the job posting and industry salary report, here are some approx salary ranges of a Shopify app developer.

  • In Glassdoor, the base salary of a Shopify app developer, on average, ranges between $62,000-$123,000 in the United States. 

  • The average Shopify app developer salary in Canada ranges between CAD 50,000-CAD 120,000.

A Shopify app developer with expertise in related technology and years of experience can bag higher salaries. One can opt for specialized certification or skills to upgrade their career and earn a high pay scale.

In all cases, one needs to consider the salary deciding factors mentioned in the beginning. Apart from that, contractors and freelancers are there who can charge higher, but they won’t be able to avail of benefits provided to full-time employees, and the job security is less.

Mistakes to avoid while hiring a Shopify App Developer

Hiring a Shopify app developer is a hectic and critical task for any business. As a part of the hiring team, it’s your task to hire the right app developer to cater to business requirements and needs. You need to dodge some mistakes to hire an excellent Shopify app developer.

  • Not thoroughly checking the portfolios and references: Verifying the developer’s portfolios and references helps understand their work quality and experience. It will also allow the employer to see if the developer has the expertise to build the kind of application your business wants to build.

  • Ignoring project management and communication skills: Be it any developer, having project management and communication skills is a must-have. Ensure that you hire a developer with good soft skills who is reliable and responsive as it will allow them to jel in the team and build great things easily.

  • Unclear requirements: Before starting the developer hunt for Shopify app development, one must properly define the scope of work and requirements. It will allow you to communicate what your business expects from them and see if they fit the job.

  • Not having a contract: While hiring, it is crucial to make a contract that perfectly outlines the timelines, scope of work, payment terms, and other vital details regarding their task, roles, and responsibilities. It ensures that the employer and developer are on the same page.

  • Prioterising price over quality: It’s a natural tendency to hire a developer at a low price, but it can cost the employer a lot in the future. When you hire a low-priced developer, chances are high that they carry comparatively low expertise. Apart from that, if another company offers them a better package, they might terminate their job with the low-paying employer.

By steering away from these mistakes, you will find a reliable and skilled Shopify app developer who can help you grow your business.

Places to look for while hiring Shopify App Developer

When you want to hire a Shopify app developer, there are several platforms that you can browse. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Freelance Websites: There are multiple freelancing platforms, like Freelancer, Upwork, and Guru, where one can find many freelancers. You can post the job requirement to invite developers who can fill the shoes of a great developer.
  • LinkedIn: On LinkedIn, you can find Shopify app developers and reach out to them based on their experience and skills.
  • Shopify Experts Marketplace: There is an expert marketplace in Shopify where one can find certified Shopify app developers. There is a filter that you can use to get the app developer with the desired budget, expertise, and location.
  • Referrals: You can contact other industry professionals or business owners to refer some excellent experienced Shopify app developers.
  • Social Media: Facebook and Twitter are great platforms for finding Shopify app developers. Join groups or use relevant hashtags to connect with the Shopify app developers.
  • Shopify Community Forums: In Shopify community forums, you can connect to developers that can match your project’s requirements.

Irrespective of the place from where you are hiring, it is crucial to thoroughly verify the portfolio and review their experience and past work to analyze whether they are the right fit for the job or not.


Shopify has emerged as the most preferred e-commerce platform. In the process of setting it up and converting sales, Shopify makes everything seamless. Once you have successfully hired a good Shopify app developer, you can see exponential growth in your online presence and impact. Shopify app developers specialize in strengthening the business’s ability to sustain and launch online stores.

This article will help employers and Shopify app developers understand what they should be looking for and what they should do to excel in this field.

Places to look for while hiring Shopify App Developer

When you want to hire a Shopify app developer, there are several platforms that you can browse. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Freelance Websites: There are multiple freelancing platforms, like Freelancer, Upwork, and Guru, where one can find many freelancers. You can post the job requirement to invite developers who can fill the shoes of a great developer. 

  • LinkedIn: On LinkedIn, you can find Shopify app developers and reach out to them based on their experience and skills. 

  • Shopify Experts Marketplace: There is an expert marketplace in Shopify where one can find certified Shopify app developers. There is a filter that you can use to get the app developer with the desired budget, expertise, and location.

  • Referrals: You can contact other industry professionals or business owners to refer some excellent experienced Shopify app developers.

  • Social Media: Facebook and Twitter are great platforms for finding Shopify app developers. Join groups or use relevant hashtags to connect with the Shopify app developers. 

  • Shopify Community Forums: In Shopify community forums, you can connect to developers that can match your project’s requirements.

Irrespective of the place from where you are hiring, it is crucial to thoroughly verify the portfolio and review their experience and past work to analyze whether they are the right fit for the job or not.


Shopify has emerged as the most preferred e-commerce platform. In the process of setting it up and converting sales, Shopify makes everything seamless. Once you have successfully hired a good Shopify app developer, you can see exponential growth in your online presence and impact. Shopify app developers specialize in strengthening the business’s ability to sustain and launch online stores.

This article will help employers and Shopify app developers understand what they should be looking for and what they should do to excel in this field.

Frequently Asked Questions about Shopify App Developer

  • Is it possible to customize an existing application using Shopify?

Ans: A Shopify application developer can use and customize an existing app based on business requirements and needs. Depending on the application’s functionality and design, the degree of customization will vary.

  • What kind of apps can be created using Shopify? 

Ans: A developer can use Shopify to create applications of diverse spectrums like marketing apps, customer service apps, inventory management apps, and fulfillment and shipping apps. 

  • Do we need a Shopify store to use the app using Shopify? 

Ans: One must access the Shopify store to use the Shopify app. The app will be installed in the Shopify store, and you must access it via the admin panel.

  • What are the programming languages developers use to develop Shopify apps?

Ans: Developers use various programming languages to develop Shopify applications. Some frequently used languages are Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. 

  • How long will it take to develop the Shopify app? 

Ans: The time to develop a Shopify app will depend on the project’s complexity and the developer’s technical proficiency. If the application is simple, it will take around a few weeks, and complex applications might take up to several months to complete.

  • How to hire a reliable Shopify application developer?

Ans: One can hire Shopify developers through development agencies or look online. There is a marketplace for Shopify experts, so one can opt for this option or ask Shopify store owners to provide referrals. Ensure to thoroughly check the developer’s review from previous clients and portfolios. 

  • Can Shopify developers integrate third-party tools into the app? 

Ans: Yes, Shopify app developers can integrate third-party tools in the application, like marketing platforms, shipping providers, or payment gateways. Integration in the Shopify app enables users to streamline their operations and enhance user experience. 

  • Can someone sell their Shopify application in the Shopify app store? 

Ans: One can swell Shopify app in the Shopify app store. To get the app approved for selling, it has to meet the requirements and guidelines; you will also have to pay the commission fee if the app is sold through the app store.

Sachiin Gevariya

Sachin Gevariya is a Founder and Technical Director at Essence Solusoft. He is dedicated to making the best use of modern technologies to craft end-to-end solutions. He also has a vast knowledge of Cloud management. He loves to do coding so still doing the coding. Also, help employees for quality based solutions to clients. Always eager to learn new technology and implement for best solutions.