
Privi Point – A modular driven application – Essence Solusoft

Project Description

PriviPoint is a service-based and built with ruby on a rails development application that lets you, Market, Sell, Buy, Discover, Trade, Alert, Search, Manage, and much more all from your mobile device. No matter where you are.

PriviPoint has the power to make a user a merchant, reporter, Event organizer, buyer/seller, and much more all at the same time from your mobile device. 

PriviPoint is a modular driven mobile and web-based application so new functional modules will be added frequently to continue to enhance the experience. Our unique design approach makes the solution robust, scalable, efficient, user friendly, and FAST!

A smart combination of social network and service-based application, PriviPoint is the leader on social’s Goods & Services market place application.
Make interactions, awareness, and discovery simple with the world’s finest application.

Our Work:

  • Created Web application
  • Created API for mobile applications

Project information

Technology used

Ruby 2.3.2, Rails 4.2.6, HTML, Bootstrap, CoffeeScript



Project management tools


Source management tools







devise, omniauth-facebook, omniauth-google-oauth2, geocoder, aws_sdk, fog, week_of_month, capistrano-rails, carrierwave, mini_magick, file_validators, will_paginate-bootstrap, dropzonejs-rails, breadcrumbs_on_rails, momentjs-rails, whenever, friendly_id

Conceptual Design Samples

Harshad Parekh